
Showing posts with the label I don't know what to do


Quotes That I Live By

Quotes That I Live By ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 1) “There are no secrets, but the truth is buried under a Sea of Lies. You just need to know where to look” ______________________________________________________ 2) “It's not about who you are during the first impression, it's about who you were when you are no longer around.” ______________________________________________________ 3) “Just realize that the average person is dumb, and that half of them are even dumber” ______________________________________________________ 4) “Doing something that you're passionate about doesn't feel like a job, but part of who you are” ______________________________________________________ 5) “Curiosity should be handled  with prudence, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Curiosity”. ______________________________________________________ 6) “A happy life is one filled wit...

Lost In The Dark: (PART 3) The Dark Acres

Lost In The Dark By Vincent Fitch Part 3 : The Dark Acres    The world began to shake a little bit. You watch as a small crack appears on the landscape above you. It was just a very tiny crack and nothing else. The desert landscape disappears and a meadow in the middle of a massive rainforest treeline appears in its place. The meadow's tall grass and the forest surrounds you. You have a deep uneasy feeling about the new environment, the feeling you were having of the rainforest was very ominous. You feel a magnetic force pull you into the forest. The forest is crawling with taunting whispers and a sense of dreadful memories of your accomplishments from which you have either given up on, failed at, or felt unworthy of attempting due to self doubts. The sound of the taunting whispers and overwhelming thoughts cause the clouds above to form and the forest begins to rain heavily. Fear of remembering your own life is beginning to become more traumatizing and a wei...