

Quotes That I Live By

Quotes That I Live By ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 1) “There are no secrets, but the truth is buried under a Sea of Lies. You just need to know where to look” ______________________________________________________ 2) “It's not about who you are during the first impression, it's about who you were when you are no longer around.” ______________________________________________________ 3) “Just realize that the average person is dumb, and that half of them are even dumber” ______________________________________________________ 4) “Doing something that you're passionate about doesn't feel like a job, but part of who you are” ______________________________________________________ 5) “Curiosity should be handled  with prudence, but Ignorance is more dangerous than Curiosity”. ______________________________________________________ 6) “A happy life is one filled wit...


Disillusionment ================================= I adventure through the darkest daylight Hearken for I am a passionate erudite Look towards the end of the leftist plight I am an iconoclast that bends to no ideologues Firm resistance against unctuous moralistic pedagogues I seek only for corporeal pabulum and for greater sapience Sessile, sinew, and I stand firm against the callow's nescience Peregrinating past the collective-self's fatuousness No haranguing vituperator would make me acquiescent Try as hard as they want, I bend to no contumelious didacticism Their rancorous crassitude is the cause of the world's fanaticism Superficial benevolence and false sagacity Yet they are perceived as the paladins of allegory ================================= =================================

A Portrait Of Romance

A Portrait Of Romance By Vincent Fitch Sailing through life’s treacherous seas Wind blowing with a ferocious breeze Life is filled with fallen trees Stand up for what one believes  Blinded by self doubts covered in a haze Traverse through the difficult maze Love is in the heart Passion is in one’s goal Reflection of the inner soul Wandering around naked and hopeful The fear takes form as burdensome obstacles Pain, overtakes the ground one travels Romantic portrait of life’s battles Striving for future romance Tripping over failure at every chance Staring through the portrait of romance Bleeding from the open heart Feeling where love would start Fighting, dying, aiming for the romantic art Love, passion, and perseverance Soul is open for the portrait of romance Here I break from my burden Holding on to the image of the vixen Foxy lady, with her romantic encounter Alpha wolf, with his love for her Different from one another ...

A Single Red Rose Poem

A Single Red Rose By Vincent Fitch Here's a single red rose Everyday my love for you grows Just wishing for Cupid's arrows In the hope that mutual love shows For you, for my love, for you my heart chose